These 5 foods can quickly remove your bad breath


  Many people are plagued by bad breath. How can we get rid of bad breath quickly? Today, the editor will introduce several deodorant foods.


   is pungent in nature, sweet in taste, has the effects of regulating qi and relieving depression, resolving phlegm and sobering alcohol. It is very effective for bad breath with chest tightness and food stagnation. You can take 5-6 fresh kumquats, wash and chew. This prescription has the effects of fragrant, ventilating, smoothing and invigorating spleen.


   The bad breath after eating garlic, drink a glass of milk, the smell of garlic can be eliminated.


   is sour in nature, slightly bitter in taste, and has the effects of promoting body fluid, quenching thirst and dispelling heat. You can add some mint to a glass of boiling water and drink with some fresh lemon juice at the same time to remove bad breath.


   1 spoon of honey, 1 small cup of warm water, drink it every morning on an empty stomach. Honey has the effects of moisturizing the intestines and organs, dissolving and eliminating rot, and is quite effective for bad breath caused by constipation.


   is sour in nature, slightly sweet and flat in taste, it has the functions of dispelling blood stasis, clearing stomach, and removing bad breath. Take 30 hawthorns, simmer and cook the soup, add a small amount of rock sugar, 1 small bowl each time.

   gargle overnight to remove bad breath

   Overnight tea is too long, most of the vitamins have been lost, and the protein and sugar in the soup become the nourishment for the growth of bacteria and mold, so it is not suitable for drinking. However, unspoiled overnight tea has its own magical effects in medical treatment. Overnight tea is rich in acid, which can prevent capillary bleeding, such as stomatitis, tongue pain, eczema, bleeding gums, sore abscess, etc. It can be treated with overnight tea. Therefore, overnight tea can also be used magically in life.

  Tea contains essential oils and has a fragrant smell. Before and after brushing your teeth in the morning or after meals, gargle a few sips of overnight tea to refresh your breath. Frequent gargle with tea can eliminate bad breath.
