Are you an acidic body susceptible to cancer?






According to a study of the distribution of body fluids in 600 cancer patients, 85 percent of cancer patients have an acidic constitution. The blood of healthy people is weakly alkaline, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45.

The Buddhist monks and nuns who have been vegetarians for a long time and live close to nature have not found any cases of cancer because their physique is high-quality weak alkaline. Babies are also weakly alkaline. Adults who are growing up have acidification.

Therefore, maintaining an acidic body in a weak alkaline is the first step to stay away from cancer.

What are the physiological characteristics of an acidic body?

1. The skin is dull.

2. Hong Kong feet.

3. A little exercise makes you feel tired.

4. It is easy to pant when going up and down stairs.

5. Obesity and prominent lower abdomen.

6. Slow pace and slow movements.

Why does an acid body form?

Excessive intake of lactic acid foods. Meat, cheese products, eggs, beef, ham, etc. are all acidic foods. Excessive intake of acidic foods, the blood will tend to be acidic and become viscous, not easy to flow to the end of the small blood vessels, and it is easy to cause chills in the hands, feet or knees, stiffness of the shoulders and insomnia. It is right to eat moderate amounts of meat when you are young and strong, but for the elderly, vegetables or small fish are better.

Unbalanced pace of life. Improper pace of life can cause mental and physical stress. According to statistics, the risk of cancer in late sleepers is five times higher than that of normal people. Human beings live in a rhythmic world. They cannot reserve sleep or food in advance, nor can they reverse day and night. The internal organs of the human body are controlled by the autonomic nerve. During the day, it is mainly sympathetic nerve activity, and at night it is operated by the parasympathetic nerve. If it is disordered and inverted, all kinds of diseases will breed.

Emotions are too tense. Civilized society can easily cause work or mental pressure. When a person is under mental stress, once the tension relaxes, it will cause sudden death, which is called potential adrenal cortical insufficiency.

Physical tension. Before surgery, the adrenal cortex should be checked for normal function. If the function of the accessory kidney cortex is poor, or the surgical pressure far exceeds the adjustment function of the accessory kidney, it may cause death or other adverse effects. If you find that the patient’s face is swollen, you need to ask about the medical history and medication status. For those who take adrenal cortex hormones for a long time, special attention should be paid to the reaction when applying acupuncture. Overwork or exercise, playing cards all night, driving and other stress should be avoided as much as possible.





