Do these seven points in your diet, and fatty liver can stay away from you!








Fatty liver refers to the pathological changes of excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells due to various reasons. It is a common liver pathological change, rather than an independent disease. Fatty liver disease is seriously threatening the health of the Chinese people. It has become the second largest liver disease after viral hepatitis. The incidence is increasing and the age of onset is getting younger. Fatty liver is caused by excessive drinking and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia.

People's living conditions are getting better and better. Many people who have fatty liver are caused by unhealthy eating habits and living habits, and they are getting younger and younger. If fatty liver can be diagnosed as soon as possible, and active conditioning can be reversed. Fatty liver may be caused by a problem with your diet, so if you want to stay away, do the following seven points.

1. Reduce the total calorie intake. Excessive intake of calories in the body can not be consumed, it will be converted into fat accumulation in the body, which will cause fatty liver. Therefore, if you have fatty liver, you should pay attention to reducing your body's calorie intake and only take in the amount that can complete the body's various physiological activities. It is recommended to eat 70% full at ordinary times, reduce the intake of starchy staple foods, and not always eat fine rice noodles. These foods are very high in calories. You can choose staple foods of coarse grains and cereals. Pay attention to the order of eating and drink first. Soup, eat vegetables, and finally some staple food. Also pay attention to the diet should be less salt and less oil, do not eat too much spicy food.

2. Choose complex carbohydrates as staple food. Eating simple carbohydrates will be converted into energy at a faster rate, so the synthesis of fat in the liver will also be faster, so don't eat too many such foods, such as candy, honey and other sweets. It is recommended to choose complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. Such foods take longer to digest and can lower blood lipids. For example, you can eat yam, potatoes, whole grains, and beans.

3. Eat "good" fats. It is impossible to not eat any fat at all, it is wise to choose higher quality fat. The so-called "good" fats refer to the fats contained in foods such as deep sea fish oil, avocado, fish, nuts, linseed oil, etc., which are easily metabolized and can even help dissolve fat. Eat less animal fats.

4. The protein intake should be reasonable. The intake of protein is necessary to provide the body with some anti-fatty liver factors and facilitate the transportation of fat. For example, eat more high-quality protein-rich foods such as beef tenderloin, soybeans, chicken, eggs, skimmed milk, and salmon.

5. Supplement vitamins. Vitamin B family and vitamin E and other vitamins can help the metabolism of liver fat, and can also protect liver cells. In addition, vitamin A and vitamin D can prevent the formation of liver fibrosis. You can usually eat broccoli, peas, kiwi, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes and other foods.

6. Take in antioxidants. Damage to the liver will also accelerate the formation of fatty liver, so eat more pomegranates, carrots, cherries, grapes and other foods to take in natural antioxidants, which are beneficial to the repair and regeneration of liver cells, and can also resist the effects of inflammation. The recovery of fatty liver has a good effect.

7. Quit drinking completely. Alcohol itself is a toxin and needs to be metabolized by the liver. Regular drinking will increase the burden on the liver. Alcohol is also one of the causes of fatty liver, which can cause very serious damage to the liver. Therefore, as long as patients with liver disease, they should give up alcohol completely.

If you want to really stay away from fatty liver, these seven dietary recommendations can't be sloppy. Although there will be no obvious symptoms in the early stage, if it is not controlled in time, it may cause more serious consequences, causing liver damage, and further may cause liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer. Therefore, it is not terrible to have fatty liver. The terrible thing is not to pay attention to it and not to change the way of living and eating. 
