How can oral ulcers help to recover?







    Oral cavity

       In addition to drug treatment, patients with mild oral ulcers can also use some ingredients to help reduce inflammation, so that we can recover faster. So do you know what foods can help us recover?

  1, watermelon juice

   The amount of watermelon. Take the watermelon flesh and squeeze the juice. The juice is in your mouth and swallowed slowly several times a day. Watermelon clears away heat and detoxifies, is suitable for mouth and tongue sores, and has a certain effect on the treatment of hypertension.

  2, treat oral ulcers binaural hawthorn drink

   Take 10 grams each of Tremella, Black Fungus, and Hawthorn. All the ingredients are fried in water, and the ears are eaten with soup, 1 to 2 times a day. Black fungus has the effects of clearing the lungs, moisturizing the lungs, replenishing qi and blood, enhancing human immunity, preventing cancer and anti-cancer effects. Tremella is rich in natural plant-derived gum, plus its yin nourishing effect, long-term use can moisturize skin. This can effectively prevent oral ulcers.

   anger-reducing food

   3. Treat oral ulcers and turnip lotus juice

   5 radishes, 500 grams of fresh lotus root. Wash all the ingredients, mash them to get the juice, rinse the mouth with the juice, several times a day, and it is effective for continuous use. Radish can disperse blood congestion, eliminate stagnation, and remove heat and toxins. This prescription is suitable for sore mouth and tongue, burning pain, bad breath, constipation, etc.

   4. Treat oral ulcers with honey

   A moderate amount of honey. Rinse the mouth and apply honey on the ulcer surface with a sterile cotton swab. After 15 minutes, swallow it with saliva. Repeat the application several times a day. Honey can clear away heat and detoxify, promote tissue regeneration, and has a good therapeutic effect on oral ulcers caused by tiredness and rising fire after staying up late.



