What are the common carcinogens in the home






Toilet paper toilet paper cancer carcinogen

The famous American oncologist Dr. Mangoss pointed out: "Many sanitary products in modern families should be vigilant because they contain carcinogenic chemicals!"

The first one cited by Dr. Mangos is the toilet paper that people cannot live without. He said that most toilet paper is recycled paper. In order to beautify the appearance, most toilet paper has added dyes, including fluorescent whitening agent or talc.

The whiter the toilet paper, the more fluorescent whitening agent or talc may be added. Most of these additives contain the compound benzene; some toilet paper of poor quality also contains formaldehyde, E. coli, hepatitis virus and so on. Long-term contact of these substances with the skin may cause leukemia and cancer. Therefore, when buying toilet paper, you must choose reliable, unbleached toilet paper, and rinse with warm water after using the paper.


Many families now like to put a box of fresheners in the bathroom to make the environment fresh and pleasant. Unexpectedly, these scents are also chemical compounds and may also induce cancer. Dr. Mangos suggested that deodorants should not be placed in the bathroom. If you want to keep the air fresh, you can often open windows or use exhaust fans.


Most households use disinfectant and other cleaning products, and they are often placed in the corner of the room or in the bathroom. After they evaporate, they tend to accumulate a lot of harmful gases. When bathing in hot water in the bathroom, its toxicity is even stronger. Some disinfectants also contain dichlorobenzene, which can irritate the respiratory tract and cause cell mutations to induce leukemia and lung cancer. Therefore, these sanitary products should not be stacked in the corner or in the bathroom. They should be placed on a drying table with better ventilation and should be sealed.

Plastic wastebasket

There is also a plastic waste basket in the bathroom at home. Experts say: Putting waste paper baskets in the toilet will greatly increase the speed of bacterial reproduction, turning the toilet into a virus breeding ground and a source of infection. They think that ordinary paper items can be thrown into the toilet and flushed with the water; for those that are difficult to flush, you can bring your own convenient bag and take it out of the toilet and throw it into the trash can, so that the toilet is tidy and reduces pollution , There is no need to put waste paper baskets in the toilet. In addition, the shorter the toilet time, the better. People who like to read books and newspapers here should get rid of this problem.
