What factors are related to esophageal cancer




Esophageal cancer Causes of esophageal cancer Sleeping posture

Esophageal cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the epithelial tissue of the esophagus, accounting for 2% of all malignant tumors. Every year, about 220,000 people die of esophageal cancer in the world. Most of them are older than 40 years old, and there are more men than women. However, in recent years, the incidence of esophagus cancer is increasing. We all know that the occurrence of esophageal cancer is related to chronic nitrosamine stimulation, inflammation and trauma, genetic factors, and the content of trace elements in drinking water, food and vegetables. But you don’t know that poor sleeping posture can also cause esophageal cancer!

When each of us sleeps, many of us don't pay much attention to the sleeping position. In order to sleep comfortably, we often neglect the effect of sleeping position on health. Experts have discovered that poor sleeping posture can easily cause early and late symptoms of esophageal cancer. Today’s experts suggest that if you sleep to the left side, it’s not easy to get stomach pain. On the other hand, sleeping on the right side can easily cause stomach acid to flush back into the esophagus, and can also cause sore throat, cough, wheezing, chest compression and other problems when stressed. For a long time, it can also cause esophageal cancer.

Another research report showed that the main cause of obesity and family inheritance is the stress cause of gastric acid reflux in the early and late stages of lung cancer. Family members who have had stomach pain or esophageal cancer are more than twice as likely to have gastric acid reflux. Being too fat, smoking, and drinking also increase the chances of stomach acid reflux. Judging from the length of the acidic esophagus, people who sleep on the right side have the longest time, and those who sleep on the left side have the shortest time. The researchers pointed out that this is because sleeping on the side affects the position of the esophagus and stomach. When sleeping on the right side of the side, the stomach is higher than the esophagus, and stomach acid will easily flow back to the esophagus. The early symptoms of esophageal cancer are not easy when sleeping on the left side. It can be seen that sleeping posture has a stressful effect on the health of the human body, and bad sleeping postures are necessary.

As we all know, esophageal cancer has a significant family clustering phenomenon. It is not uncommon for families with three or more consecutive generations to be affected in high-incidence areas, but esophageal cancer is definitely not inherited, but is closely related to family eating habits. Therefore, you must pay more attention to the diet of patients with esophageal cancer. Try to eat as much food as possible that can enter the esophagus. Do not eat moldy and deteriorating foods. Do not eat hot or hot foods. Drink tea and porridge below 50 degrees Celsius. Pollution of water sources, improve water quality; do not smoke, do not drink strong alcohol; supplement the trace elements needed by the human body; eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase the intake of vitamin C. Surveillance of susceptible people, popularize anti-cancer knowledge and raise awareness of anti-cancer!
